The Sox have a day off today and they can definitely use it. They are 2-5 behind some shaky outings by the bullpen and a weak offense.
The team ERA is 2.87 but that doesn't tell the whole story. While the starters have been solid and inning eaters at that, the bullpen has blown a couple of saves. Josh Evans has been pretty strong; Nikolic has a sub 3 ERA but one of his appearances led to a Sox loss. Perhaps most disappointing is is our now former closer Marshall Plouffe is 0-1 with 1 save and a 7.71 ERA.
The position players aren't helping the cause with a .197 team average, getting picked off base multiple times, and 12 errors over those seven games including 5 by Jordan Devoir.
We also have some roster turbulance with Brian Keating retiring and the two J.J.'s out with minor (I hope) injuries.
And their next three games are against the 6-1 first place Yuma Scorpions in the 106 degree Arizona heat.
I am sure Les Lancaster is working with these guys to get them on the same sheet of music. It is early in the season and these guys are too good to be playing this badly.
If you wonder where I get my stats, it is from the Silver Sox stat page on Howe Sports Data: http://www.howesportsdata.com/howesportsdata/stats/baseball/gold/364tm.txt
I will be leaving town this weekend for a San Jose Sabercats game so my game scores section won't be updated for a couple of days. But I'll be back at the park on Tuesday to bring you another game report.
I know a lot of people are reading this blog but I've only got a few comments. Please let me know your opinions and thoughts. I allow anonymous posts so you don't even have to sign up with blogspot. Just join the dialog, let me know your thoughts on the Sox and the league, and let's have a place where people can talk shop on the GBL
Those of you in Reno remember the days of no pro ball. We have an incredible gift with the Silver Sox so make sure you support them. And support their sponsors as well. Let them know you heard/saw their commercial in conjunction with the Sox. And, no, I don't work for the team. For those who don't know, I work at the University of Nevada Reno ROTC department. I'm just a baseball fan who wants pro ball in our community for a very long time. Now if any of you want to join ROTC, I probably can help you with that...
Don't miss the Long Beach Armada blog (link to the right). It is done by the team photographer so there are really great pictures there also.
That's all for now. Have a great weekend.
The team ERA is 2.87 but that doesn't tell the whole story. While the starters have been solid and inning eaters at that, the bullpen has blown a couple of saves. Josh Evans has been pretty strong; Nikolic has a sub 3 ERA but one of his appearances led to a Sox loss. Perhaps most disappointing is is our now former closer Marshall Plouffe is 0-1 with 1 save and a 7.71 ERA.
The position players aren't helping the cause with a .197 team average, getting picked off base multiple times, and 12 errors over those seven games including 5 by Jordan Devoir.
We also have some roster turbulance with Brian Keating retiring and the two J.J.'s out with minor (I hope) injuries.
And their next three games are against the 6-1 first place Yuma Scorpions in the 106 degree Arizona heat.
I am sure Les Lancaster is working with these guys to get them on the same sheet of music. It is early in the season and these guys are too good to be playing this badly.
If you wonder where I get my stats, it is from the Silver Sox stat page on Howe Sports Data: http://www.howesportsdata.com/howesportsdata/stats/baseball/gold/364tm.txt
I will be leaving town this weekend for a San Jose Sabercats game so my game scores section won't be updated for a couple of days. But I'll be back at the park on Tuesday to bring you another game report.
I know a lot of people are reading this blog but I've only got a few comments. Please let me know your opinions and thoughts. I allow anonymous posts so you don't even have to sign up with blogspot. Just join the dialog, let me know your thoughts on the Sox and the league, and let's have a place where people can talk shop on the GBL
Those of you in Reno remember the days of no pro ball. We have an incredible gift with the Silver Sox so make sure you support them. And support their sponsors as well. Let them know you heard/saw their commercial in conjunction with the Sox. And, no, I don't work for the team. For those who don't know, I work at the University of Nevada Reno ROTC department. I'm just a baseball fan who wants pro ball in our community for a very long time. Now if any of you want to join ROTC, I probably can help you with that...
Don't miss the Long Beach Armada blog (link to the right). It is done by the team photographer so there are really great pictures there also.
That's all for now. Have a great weekend.
I can't believe they gave up 20 runs in one game.. ouch
Yeah, it was ugly. Worse than that was the fact that they blew a 5-run lead and then a 4-run lead en route to that loss. The bullpen is a trainwreck. With about 65 games left, if they don't get on track soon, it will be a long summer.
I remember the days when Reno had no baseball. Now we have the Astros and the Silver Sox but I don't hear much about them. Wouldn't it be good if the players were at some of the downtown events, signing autographs and passing out jerseys?
Yeah, that is something they should take a look at. I actually sent an e-mail to the Asst GM offering to assist with handing out flyers or whatever to better advertise the team. We'll see what happens but it is good to hear I am not the only one who thinks they need to advertise more in town. Have you been in Reno for long?
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